Published Research


  1. Craig LB, Arya S, Burks HR, Warta K, Jarshaw C, Hansen KR, Peck JD. Relationship between semen regurgitation and pregnancy rates with intrauterine insemination. Fertil Steril. 2021 Aug 17:S0015-0282(21)01782-9. 
  2. Arya S, Hansen KR, Peck JD, Wild RA; National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Reproductive Medicine Network. Metabolic syndrome in obesity: treatment success and adverse pregnancy outcomes with ovulation induction in polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Apr 20:S0002-9378(21)00447-6. 
  3. Arya S, Burks HR. Juvenile cystic adenomyoma, a rare diagnostic challenge: Case Reports and literature review. F S Rep. 2021 Feb 10;2(2):166-171 
  4. Arya S, Dwivedi AK, Alvarado L, Kupesic-Plavsic S. Exposure of U.S. population to endocrine disruptive chemicals (Parabens, Benzophenone-3, Bisphenol-A and Triclosan) and their associations with female infertility. Environ Pollut. 2020 Oct;265(Pt A):114763. 
  5. Arya S, Hansen KR, Wild RA. Metformin, rosiglitazone, or both for obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome? Fertil Steril. 2020 Jan;113(1):87-88. 
  6. Arya S, Mulla ZD, Plavsic SK. Outcomes of Women Delivering at Very Advanced Maternal Age. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2018 Nov;27(11):1378-1384. 
  7. Arya S, Kupesic Plavsic S. Preimplantation 3D ultrasound: current uses and challenges. J Perinat Med. 2017 Aug 28;45(6):745-758. 
  8. Arya S, Mulla ZD, Kupesic Plavsic S. Role of pelvic ultrasound simulation. Clin Teach. 2018 Dec;15(6):457-461.
  9. Arya S, Dwivedi A, Mulla ZD, Kupesic Plavsic S. Effectiveness of Ultrasound Simulation in OB GYN Education: A State-of-the-Art Review. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 11(2): 115-125.
  10. Sushila Arya, Sanja Kupesic Plavsic. Sonographic features of adenomyosis. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 1: 76-81.
  11. Sushila Arya, S., Zuber D. Mulla, Sanja Kupesic Plavsic S. Interprofessional Education with Ultrasound Simulation: Diabetes and Pregnancy. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice 9 (2017) 61-65. Doi:10.1016/j.xjep.2017.08.005
  12. Osvaldo Padilla, Sushila Arya, Luis S. Noble, Sanja Kupesic. Saline Infusion   Sonography: Tips & Tricks For Improved Visualization Of The Uterine Cavity. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, January-March 2018; 12(1): 1-20
  13. Sushila Arya, Zuber D. Mulla, Tracy N Nguyen, Sanja Kupesic. Role of Three-dimensional Pelvic Ultrasound in the Assessment of Risk Factors for Intrauterine Device Misplacement and Dislocation Saline Infusion Sonography: Tips & Tricks For Improved Visualization Of The Uterine Cavity. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (July-September 2019).
  14. Arya S, Kupesic-Plavsic S, Mulla ZD, Dwivedi AK, Crisp Z, Jose J, Noble LS. Ovulation induction and controlled ovarian stimulation using letrozole gonadotropin combination: A single center retrospective cohort study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017 Nov;218:123-128. 




Reddy S, Mendez M, Kupesic Plavsic S. Illustrated Ob/Gyn Problems. Jaypee, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi, London, Philadelphia, Panama; 2017
 1.  Abnormal Pap smear and Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 

     Arya S., Padilla O., Pugmire H., Kupesic Plavsic S.
2. Condyloma Acuminata

    Arya S., Reddy S., Kupesic Plavsic S.
3.  Secondary Dysmenorrhea 

    Arya S., Reddy S., Kupesic Plavsic S.
4.  Ectopic Pregnancy

     Arya S., Reddy S., Kupesic Plavsic S.
5.  Hematometra

     Arya S., Kupesic Plavsic S.
6.  Lichen sclerosis 

    Arya S., Reddy S., Kupesic Plavsic S.
7.  Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

     Arya S., Kupesic Plavsic S.
8.  Operative Delivery

     Mendez M., Arya S.
9.  Pelvic inflammatory disease and Tubo-ovarian abscess

     Arya S., Kupesic Plavsic S.
10.  Primary Amenorrhea

       Arya S., Reddy S., Kupesic Plavsic S.


Kurjak A, Arenas B. Donald School Textbook of Transvaginal Ultrasound (3rd ed.) Jaypee, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi, London, Philadelphia, Panama; 2017

  1. The Use of Different Ultrasound Techniques in the Field of Urogynecology: Sanja Kupesic Plavsic, Sushila Arya, Vaneesha Vallabh-Patel
  2. Uterine Lesions: Sanja Kupesic Plavsic, Sushila Arya, Asim Kurjak, Jose Bajo Arenas
  3. Ectopic pregnancy: Sanja Kupesic Plavsic, Sushila Arya, Alenka Aksamija, Jose Bajo Arenas, Asim Kurjak
  4. The use of Ultrasound in the field of Infertility: Sanja Kupesic Plavsic, Sushila Arya, Maria Larrazaleta 

:  Kupesic-Plavsic S, Arya S. Future of imaging in Human Reproduction.  (Chapter 9). In: Schenker J. et al. (Eds): Reproductive Medicine for Clinical Practice, (2018) 978-3-319-78008-5

: Moore L. (1st ed); The complete guide to management of diabetes in pregnancy. Springer Publishing, New York, USA 2017                                         

  1. Sushila Arya, Sanja Kupesic Plavsic S. Contraception in Diabetes. 

: Asim Kurjak, Frank A. Chervenak. The Fetus as a Patient: Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy. The Parthenon publishing group, New york, London.
Sushila Arya, Sanja Kupesic Plavsic. Advanced and Very Advanced Maternal Age: 

           Impact on Perinatal and Obstetric Outcomes


  1. Dhariwal L, Arya S, Dalloul M, Nacharaju V, Muneyyirci-Delale O, Kral JG. Determination of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase types 1 and 2 activities in human placenta by ion trap GC/MS/MS. 2012. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Sep; 98(3): S202.
  2. Dhariwal L, Arya S, Dalloul M, Nacharaju V, Muneyyirci-Delale O, Kral JG. Does the placenta protect the fetus from 5-androstenediol in obesity? Placental 17beta-HSD-1 activity. 2012. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Sep; 98(3): S205.
  3. Enakpene C, Arya S, Dalloul M, Petterkin C, Anopa J, Muneyyirci-Delale O. Dysmenorrhea as a risk factor for Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Sep; 98(3): S201.
  4. Sushila Arya, Karl R. Hansen, Michael P. Diamond, Robert A Wild. Metabolic Syndrome (MetS): Fecundability and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Unexplained Infertility. ASRM, Oct 2019 
  5. Sushila Arya, Karl R. Hansen, Richard S. Legro, Robert A. Wild. Metabolic Syndrome (MetS): Fecundability and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes with Ovulation Induction (OI) in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). ASRM, Oct 2019
  6. Sarah Z. Gavrizi, Sushila Arya, Jennifer D. Peck, Jennifer F. Knudtson, Karl R. Hansen. High-Sensitivity C - reactive protein (Hs-CRP) Level and Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Unexplained Infertility Undergoing Ovarian Stimulation with Intrauterine Insemination (OS-IUI) in a Multicenter Trial. Fertility And Sterility, Volume 114, Issue 3, Supplement, 2020, Pages E103-E104, Issn 0015-0282, Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Fertnstert.2020.08.315.

Abstract presented as poster 

Sushila Arya, Zuber Mulla, Sanja Kupesic. Risk Factors for Intrauterine Device Displacement Diagnosed using 3-Dimensional Transvaginal Ultrasonography at 12th Annual Research Symposium, April 18, 2018, TTUHSC, El Paso.


International Conferences: 

Arya S.,
Kupesic Plavsic S. Sonographic features of adenomyosis. 17th World Congress of the Academy of Human Reproduction. (Oral Presentation); Rome, Italy, March 15-18, 2017.

National Conferences: 

Grimberg G., Kral J.G., Dhariwal L.,
Arya S., Dalloul M., Nacharaju V. Gestational Stress and Obesity: Cortisol and Gonadal Steroids in the Maternal-Fetal Unit (Oral Presentation); 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Obesity Society, Atlanta, Georgia. November 11-16, 2013.

Arya S.,
Matthew D., Hutson F., Kupesic Plavsic S. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, Texas. Role of Ultrasound Simulation to Improve Knowledge and Skills for 'Diabetes and Pregnancy' in the Inter-professional Education and Collaborative Practice Workshops (Oral Presentation); 2017 AIUM Convention; Lake Buena Vista, Florida; March 25-29, 2017. 

National Conference speaker:
Lectures at Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) 2017 conference, Dallas, Texas, Oct 14, 2017.

Arya, S.

  1. Saline Infusion Sonography  (Lecture)
  2. Sonographic imaging of adenomyosis (Lecture)

Regional Conferences: 

Arya S,
Matthew D, Hutson F, Kupesic Plavsic. Ultrasound simulation: The role of ultrasound in the assessment of adnexal masses. 4th Clinical Simulation Conference of West Texas, TTUHSC El Paso, El Paso, TX; October 28, 2016.

Arya S, Matthew D, Hutson F, Kupesic Plavsic. Ultrasound simulation: The role of ultrasound in the assessment of abnormal uterine bleeding. 4th Clinical Simulation Conference of West Texas, TTUHSC El Paso, El Paso, TX; October 28, 2016.

Arya S, Matthew D, Hutson F, Kupesic Plavsic. Ultrasound simulation: The role of ultrasound in the assessment of pain in pregnancy. 4th Clinical Simulation Conference of West Texas, TTUHSC El Paso, El Paso, TX; October 28, 2016.

Invited Regional Presentations

2018             Lecture, Infertility: Basic investigation and Management. TTUHSC El Paso, TX  

2018             Lecture, Ovarian Reserve Testing. TTUHSC El Paso, TX  

2017             Lecture, Normal and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. TTUHSC El Paso, TX 

2016             Grand round, Cervical dysplasia & management. TTUHSC El Paso, TX 

2016             Grand round, Hormone Replacement Therapy. TTUHSC El Paso, TX 

2014             Grand round, Menopause and osteoporosis, University of Utah, UT

2011             REI Journal club, Does the hydrothermal ablation avoid hysterectomy?, SUNY

2010             REI Journal club, Asherman syndrome, Chicago, IL

Local Conferences: 

Arya S,
Matthew D, Hutson F, Kupesic Plavsic. Ultrasound simulation: Interprofessional Education Workshop on Diabetes in Pregnancy. TTUHSC El Paso, El Paso, TX; September 9, 2016.

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